Dear First Base Foundation and California Warriors Community,
It is imperative that we VOTE in the upcoming presidential Election on November 3, 2020. We need to speak out and take action against injustice and inequality. Voting is the vehicle by which we raise our voices and elect leaders that have our communities’ and our Country’s best interest at heart. As the pandemic and leadership issues continue to draw awareness to systemic challenges disproportionately facing poor, minority, and marginalized neighborhoods, the importance of us voting is profound. We must use our voices to support a more equal and just society where all of us can thrive. It is particularly important for California Warriors to VOTE. Your voice is an important one. The key issues in the election relate to our future which impacts the ages between 18 and 29. Young voters account for half of the voting population. California Warriors past and present are a powerful political voice. Get involved!!! Check your voter status. Register to vote and tell your friends to vote. Be a leader. The country is counting on you. California Online Voter Registration.
First Base Foundation Staff